Dog walking is a great business to go into if you live in a densly populated area with a lot of working dog owners, such as the Bay Area. You can charge between $15-$35 for a walk ranging from a simple 30min neighborhood walk to the more extreme 1-3hr off leash adventures. Last week Maki had Monday thru Thursday neighborhood walks. He doesn't seem to do as well as when I returned during lunch but this may be due to the fact that he's just getting a walk, not a romp through a field chasing other dogs and birds. And also he has new people walking him and then leaving him alone which has to be confusing for his separation anxiety. Hopefully he'll improve as the routine becomes more regular. More importantly he's signed up for Woofwalks!! Which obviously I'm excited about and pretty much wish I was Maki on Fridays :)
Woofwalks is an off leash adventure where he'll be "on the trails" for at least an hour and out of the house for 2-3 hours. Basically he'll be joining a "pack" of other woofwalking dogs and will be led by "Raul and Teresa" through the local parks, recreation areas, and hiking trails. I met with the Woofwalks business owner and Raul, who leads the Alameda area pack that Maki will be joining. Needless to say they impressed me with their knowledge and personalities and usiness. Maki will be in great hands, learning obedience training, and having a blast. If I was rich Maki would go on a Woofwalk everyday! But $25 a walk is a little too much for us right now so he'll have special Fridays instead!

I am happy to report that Maki did excellently this past Friday on his first Woofwalk and received a glowing report card. Yup, Maki gets a report card each time he goes on a Woofwalk. I love it!! Being the proud mother that I am I scanned his report card and am posting in this blog tail. However, it may not be very legible so I'll just read it aloud for you....or type it...
"Maki 3/20/2009, pick up 9:24, drop off 11:53. My day out was : Happy, Playful. My poops were : other (did not see). My energy level was : High. Notes : Maki was great on pick up! He was in a pack of 12 today, and he got along great with all! He had tons of fun play-chasing with many in his pack, and exploring, and smelling the animal trails! He wore a cowbell so that we knew where he was at all times, but he never ventured too far from his pack! He is the best "1st time dog" that we have had! He also chased after sticks that I threw for him, and he listened + behaved well the whole time! You two have done a great job with him! - Teresa"
That's all for tonight, but I have much more material to add in the next week or so. Keep checking up on Maki!!